Single-player vs. Multiplayer

This has always been an ongoing debate between friends and fellow counterparts, in that some of them are inclined towards the mighty multiplayer brutes of Call Of Duty, Battlefield and Gears of war. Whereas many others, including myself, will say that the best games are those with a great moving plot, from the storyline troopers of Final Fantasy, Elder scrolls games and The Darkness. These aren’t all the games that are the best of the best in terms of the two types of game play but they are well known examples. Continue reading

Be like Jackie, and embrace The Darkness

A roaring start to the new year eh? Capsized cruise ships, Internet Nazis and the supposed end of the world have already left us thinking this year will be, for want of a better word, shit. However, there does appear to be one glistening diamond in the dung heap of 2012, and that particular precious gem showed itself with a slice of heaven on Xbox Live. Continue reading

Veteran. Is it really that hard?

I have loads of friends on Xbox Live who obviously play MW3, or if not they have at least played a Call of Duty, as it’s almost a rite of passage. Now, if you’re a hardcore gamer like me and find you’re sweating it out all day and night on every new game you get, you’re completing it in the first 24 hours of receiving/buying the title.

Therefore, I always choose the option to play the game on the hardest difficulty setting first, it’s simple maths. The harder the setting = The longer the game will last, right? This can be the case, but it’s becoming clear that you can change the difficulty but not the game, and it still seems easy. HOW!? WHY!? Continue reading